Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Soft-Beverage Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Soft-Beverage Industry - Essay Example From this essay it is clear that  soft drink industries as have been noted are those firms that develop, manufacture, and market the carbonated and non-carbonated beverages. The main industries in the current market are the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo (Hooley and Saunders. These two occupies the largest share of the market then they are followed by Dr. Pepper, who holds a moderate amount of market share.   These companies operate on a global scale and have markets in more than 200 countries globally. The soft-beverage has a very wide scope of operation and in the United States; the industry generates revenue amounting to approximately $28 billion annually according to the report by IBIS World.This study discusses that  despite the continued success in the soft drink industries, the companies is also being faced with challenges that have led to a heavy decline in their sales, especially among the United States consumers. It is noted that the volumes of soft drinks being sold i n the United States markets have been on the decline since 1998 due to the fall in its consumption in the country. The fall has been from its peak in 1998 at 864 eight-ounce servings to 675 servings in the year 2013, and this represented a general drop in the sales volume of about 22%. Crowther notes that the huge drop has been attributed by the sudden change in the consumer tastes and preferences in the country.  

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